
February 8, 2013

Stay Looking Young As A Vampire With Help From… A Cow?

Read Original Article from Racked – Shopping and Style Intelligence posted on Friday, February 1st, 2013
DNA CryoStem Cell Therapy has arrived in Chicago. The latest and greatest treatment in combatting signs of age is being offered exclusively at Leah Chavie Skincare Boutique in Chicago. Ms. Chavie, a skincare guru (did you know she has been in the business since she was just 15?), invited Racked to her skincare boutique in Lincoln Park to experience the newest treatment that involves… organic bovine stem cells.

Yes, COW, stem cells.
DNA CryoStem Cell Therapy is a treatment to protect, correct and rejuvenate skin that has suffered photo damage and premature aging. It tones, firms and lifts the skin. Originating in the French Alps (the serum is actually overnighted from France) the serum is made of embryonic fluid rich in nutrients and stem cells extracted during the first trimester of a bovine’s pregnancy. The serum is applied to the face prompting skin cell renewal.
It sounds very sci-fi movie like and while the thought of applying bovine stem cells to the face may not sound appealing at first, rest assured that the treatment is quite relaxing and produces immediate results. In fact, word is that your favorite Hollywood vampires are getting this treatment twice a month.
Currently this treatment is only being offered in a handful of spas across the country. Leah Chavie Skincare Boutique is the only one currently offering it in Chicago.
And for you animal lovers: No cows are harmed in the process. – Victoria A. Olivares


leah chavie
Chicago’s famous faces turn to Leah Chavie for the latest in skincare technology.



8 E Chestnut St, Third Floor, Chicago, IL Boutique: 773.327.7051

Email: info@LeahChavie.com

Fax: 773.327.7058


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